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Marconi Pacific was founded in 1996. Our objective is to create an entrepreneurial firm which develops creative solutions to complex business issues and creates lasting strategic and financial value for our clients.

We have seven credos for our work with clients and about our firm: 

  1. Answer the right question, address the client's highest priority issues 
  2. Conduct the best possible analysis and do it on time 
  3. Think creatively about the full range of solutions - management, sales, finance, joint ventures, sale and acquisition 
  4. Add maximum financial value for our clients 
  5. Build a relationship of trust between the firm and its clients 
  6. Continuously innovate and identify new business opportunities for our clients and for the firm 
  7. Provide opportunities for our people to grow professionally, have fun and build wealth

Our concentration in the telecommunications, financial services and automotive industries reflects our collective experience and our belief that these industries present enormous opportunity for our clients to increase growth and build long term, sustainable value for their shareholders.

Our name reflects this belief. Guglielmo Marconi patented his radio receiver over 100 years ago (1896) in England and formed his wireless telegraph company in 1897. In his famous experiment in 1901 he sent the letter "s" over the Atlantic from Cornwall to Newfoundland. We aim to combine his spirit of US-European discovery and entrepreneurism with the enormous economic growth coming from the Pacific Rim and Silicon Valley.


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